Getting closer to the actual state of renewal.... time to shed the old, welcome the new. Never felt that as strongly as I do now... it is happening to those who allow this change to come into their lives -- we must be like a reed in the wind, not necessarily a "tough" brittle oak (as lovely as oaks are, their branches do not bend, they break).
The LORD GOD ALMIGHTY is said to be a double edged sword. When we are not separated from Him, life is ... well, alive. When we experience separation--and being of a religious spirit can cause that ironically--we are no longer "I AM" but Thou Art (Everything) and I Am Nothing. I am worthless but God is great. Now what is wrong with this picture?
I am worthless, a miserable sinner, a repetitive sinner, feeling lousy about myself in every way, but at least I'm saved.
Don't laugh. This is how most ministers teach today. This is the Christian Ethos. The ultimate paradigm. I am worthless; He (somewhere out there) is Great.
Right on the face of it I can tell you this is a lie and the whole purpose of this general teaching of that has been labeled as Christianity (when it indeed is a business) is to control others for the purpose of gain (while successful ministries make a show of charity to hide this fact).
It certainly has nothing to do with the spiritual sojourn. It has nothing to do with Christ. How can a person be saved if he doesn't exist as God made him to exist?
We are told that God made us "fearfully and wonderfully" (Psalm 139:14)-- then we are told that we are fallen and wicked (good example is Revelation 2:5)
Can someone please decipher this for me?
No one has to my satisfaction.
So I will.
We are fearfully and wonderfully made (i.e. there is no actual Fall, unless God is referring to Adam and Eve, genetically superior in every way before the "change")... my take is that we are FEARFULLY and WONDERFULLY made, meaning fiercely made, right now, this moment! A fact to be celebrated. Look at all God's creatures, they are all fearfully and wonderfully made, as is All Creation.
When we look at the sun, moon, or the heavens, or forests and great rivers and oceans, do we see a mistake?
God forbid!
So the assertion that we are garbage is false. The assertion that we are a horrific failure (and thus cannot help ourselves, and thus can't help but continue sinning and harming ourselves and others) ends up being a big excuse for Church to allay the guilt of chronic sinners, and thus condone sinning all the more (as guilt is where they derive much of their power, always have). Or, the Congregation (any congregation) are so weak that the demons override their will at every turn... thus, the self-importance of ministry, delivering souls FOREVER, even after deliverance has taken place, ad nauseum--so in other words the work of Jesus-God on the cross is moot. Of no effect. Canceled. This my friends is the crux of the satanic, to enslave by giving permission to sin. It is a sickness that ends in death and ultimately what the book of Revelation calls The Second Death. Spiritual death then is the true state of Hell.
We are told to be perfect as our Father in Heaven is perfect, and that the Blood of Christ delivers us from all sin. That is certainly good news! Why is it that there is a huge BUT.... when Christian ministers preach?
Again, you can't have it both ways... you are garbage, He is great, and you are perfect as He is perfect... (Matthew 5:48)
There is such a thing as renewal and regeneration, there is such a thing as spiritual rehabilitation.
There is such a thing as walking in the Light as He is the Light, and as John 1 claims about Jesus, He is the true light that (gives life) to humanity. If God is our light, then we are the Temple of the New Jerusalem.. we have the right to choose evil or good, God or Satan, to glorify man or God... all these choices we can make because we are fearfully and wonderfully made.
So something is very wrong in the schizophrenic Body of So-Called Christ, because I assert right now that CHRIST-GOD IS MISUNDERSTOOD.
Mistranslated, miscomprehended, mistaken and mistaught, if I may mangle the language abit.
I have taught on this for many years now--and no one but no one in the mind control church system comprehends it, but true Church does, and embraces it, because these have all had the exact same thoughts, and just needed to read it or hear it in context to get the scam that organized religion has to offer. I.e. you are garbage you need us to deliver you CONSTANTLY, and thus you are our slave.
I must separate from the church people at this point, as I see no connection to God save for God using them in some way for His Master Plan.
Luke 17:20
And when he was demanded of the Pharisees, when the kingdom of God should come, he answered them and said, The kingdom of God cometh not with observation:
Luke 17:21
Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you.
If Jesus set you free you are free indeed. No need to jump through that hoop over and over thus insulting God for the rest of your life, right?